Free BookThe New Faces of Christianity Believing the Bible in the Global South

PDF The New Faces of Christianity Believing the Bible in the Global South

PDF The New Faces of Christianity Believing the Bible in the Global South

PDF The New Faces of Christianity Believing the Bible in the Global South

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Book Details :
Published on: 2008-11-12
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Original language: English
PDF The New Faces of Christianity Believing the Bible in the Global South

Named one of the top religion books of 2002 by USA Today, Philip Jenkins' phenomenally successful The Next Christendom permanently changed the way people think about Christianity in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Now, in this brilliant sequel, Jenkins takes a much closer look at Christianity in the global South, revealing what it is like, and what it means for the future. The faith of the South, Jenkins finds, is first and foremost a Biblical faith. Indeed, many Christians identify powerfully with the world portrayed in the New Testament--an agricultural world very much like their own, marked by famine and plague, poverty and exile. In the global South, as in the biblical world, belief in spirits and witchcraft are commonplace, and in many places--such as Nigeria, Indonesia, and Sudan--Christians are persecuted just as early Christians were. Thus the Bible speaks to them with a vividness and authenticity unavailable to most believers in the industrialized North. More important, Jenkins shows that throughout the global South, believers are reading the Bible with fresh eyes, and coming away with new and sometimes startling interpretations. Some of their conclusions are distinctly fundamentalist, but Jenkins finds an intriguing paradox, for they are also finding ideas in the Bible that are socially liberating, especially with respect to women's rights. Across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, such Christians are social activists in the forefront of a wide range of liberation movements. Anyone interested in the implications of these trends for the major denominations, for Muslim-Christian conflict, and for global politics will find The New Faces of Christianity provocative and incisive--and indispensable. Faith The Times In a discovery that might not look out of place in the plot of a Dan Brown novel a scholar has found secret handwritten notes hidden beneath false pages pasted into ... Free Christianity Essays and Papers - 123helpme Free Christianity papers essays and research papers. ... These results are sorted by most relevant first (ranked search). You may also sort these by color rating or ... Culture - OneNewsNow A state lawmaker in Mississippi is not backing down from a social media post that mocked women who attended the "Women's March" in Washington D.C. Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy in Today's News FIGHT BACK! To complain about a biased program or news report which defames Judaism or Christianity contact the program's sponsor(s). Sponsors financially underwrite ... 40 Problems with Christianity - Friendly Atheist This is a guest post written by Michael Runyan. Michael is a recently-retired risk analyst for the U.S. government. A former Catholic he currently works ... Cainite - PRINCE WILLIAM ANTICHRIST ORIGINAL SOURCE by ... *Read Article Wewelsburg Castle's Interior was Modelled by Himmler on the King Arthur Legend *Read Article A New Camelot: The Longing for a New Arthurian Figure to ... Christianity - The Christian community and the world ... The relationship of the Christian community to the world may be seen differently depending upon ones historical sociological and theological perspectives because ... Christianity in Korea - New World Encyclopedia Korean Christianity today maintains a strong and vibrant presence and faces new challenges as Korean society matures. Early religion in Korea Christians Beware - of Freemasonry - Bible Probe In Freemasonry the god of the secret societies is covertly substituted for the One True God. This false god is identified in the Masonic lodges as "the Great Architect." African Pentecostal/Charismatic Christianity: An Overview ... The involvement of Pentecostal/charismatic Christianity in Africa has been felt at all levels of African civil life including economics education and politics.
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